PHP Lawsuit

PHP Lawsuit
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Any information on this? Just discovered this website and would appreciate any feedback here.

15 thoughts on “PHP Lawsuit

  1. Michael,

    I’d like to respectfully suggest this post be taken down until it is more fleshed out. Yes, there are a couple of slim pages which provide a glimpse of what we face but it is not anything new – well except for the lawsuit headline. I would use the contact form and write directly to these people but really, I have no idea if it is friend or foe on the other end. As you know, transparency (vs. opacity) is something very important to most of us AND our adversaries tend to be fraudsters. Engaging this website could be like engaging a phishing email. I won’t go on. I imagine you get my point. As well, I imagine this PHP Lawsuit site/page has been posted by allies, so I hope this will be regarded as a friendly comment. I can be contacted personally if anyone wants more feedback.

    Christian Wolff, MA


    • That’s why I am posting it with no commentary. Let’s vet it out and see where it leads. Better
      to come across it here first and see where it leads and provide feedback for better or worse as it may be.

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  2. I called the telephone number for the group and referred them to my SB19-193 testimony. The person answering the call stated that they are indeed a law firm but I couldn’t tell which one. I spoke in general terms with the person on the other end of the call and did mention the term “honeypot” twice so that he got the idea that his law firm was being vetted for competence and allegiances. I’m still not sure about them and would advise caution for now.

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  3. I have spoken with an attorney (actually an MD/JD) who is in Chicago. I saw on this PHP Lawsuit website that it is “located” in Chicago. This attorney that I spoke with was interested in recruiting physicians who have experienced the wrath of PHP retaliation (for not towing the line), and to bring forward a class-action lawsuit against PHP programs. He said that he worked for the Medical Residents and Physicians Advocacy Group. They certainly sound like they have similar goals, but I cannot with any certainty say that this attorney or the PHP Lawsuit is legitimate. I just sent a follow-up email to this attorney. I will let you know if I get more definitive answers and proof.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I just Googled the phone number on the website (312-470-7662), and found it belongs to a Chicago law firm and is also listed as the contact number for The principals of these three sites seems to be attorneys Sherman Marek, JD; Edward Moor, JD, and Jeff Weisman, JD, MD, PhD. Check out the website and the website “About” tabs for more details on these three attorneys’ backgrounds. I’m not sure why their names are not listed on the website.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Steen the attorney has performed miracles they are changing their name as the MD actually got his medical license back and so I don’t exactly remember the name of the new company but they are not your average run of the mill PHP litigators.

      my husband scored one or two points over an arbitrary PEFT test, which indicates alcohol

      consumption, but has an arbitrary cut off point that is very low and has very little scientific evidence to support it. That said he was no longer responsible to take that very expensive test and he was able to take the ABIM to become recertified his MOC. Not only is that whole law firm knowledgeable, but they can tuck themselves in such a professional manner manner that they can work very well with attorneys, representing the boards of other locations and he’s very respectful and he knows the law and he’s optimistic. He truly is what a lawyer needs to be and I guarantee and have no problem saying that anyone that could work for that law firm or the new law firm again one is leaving just to go back to being a medical doctor I think it’s why he started this firm to begin with, as I don’t know the details of his particular situation, but I know that he wanted to have a way to help physchians.
      it’s not cheap the new firm sounds like they are willing to work with you, as far as potentially with payments, but in my mind, it’s worth every penny, and where it counts, he has made a difference. We are in Colorado and he was able to meet our needs against the probably most difficult person a.k.a. psychiatrist, who could not listen to simple arguments regarding how his belief on crappy science, which could be easily demonstrated that it’s a magical ferry belief, and not based on like actual real science got him to essentially sign the fact that all the results were from the alcohol puff test were not valid.

      best, Nicole Friedman M.S. on LinkedIn- I’m the only one in Colorado that puts MS for master of science at the end of her name.

      please contact me if you are in Colorado and you want some more information and you are under the wrath of PHP or even the medical board. We have learned so much that I’m actually wanting to enroll in a program at Texas A&M for non-clinical but bar approved Medical or medicine and the law graduate program because I already have a graduate degree and it’s in workplace psychology.

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  5. I am sorry for not getting back with everyone on this. I was hoping to first have fuller information than I have. I have been playing slow phone tag with these folks with the “slow” part being MY fault. At least two people at HARBR have retained Jeff Weisman and sing his praises highly. When I try to reach him, I usually have to leave a voicemail, but I have found HIM quite prompt in returning my call. I simply have not yet spoken with him. For some reason, I have found his wonderful website difficult to re-find, but from what I read, I was quite impressed. He is on LinkedIn. Spell his name as I have spelled it and add MD, JD to it. I think there are two such people. You’ll want the younger one. He has dark hair whereas the other guy by the same name is balding. “Our” Jeff Weisman has an MD, JD, PhD, and I think maybe as many as three masters – like an MBA, Engineering, and … Not sure, but I have a sense he too may have been screwed over by the M.E.D.S. God, I have so much to do that I never get around to some of the things I really want to get to. I really want to talk with this guy.


    • I’ve had a little different experience. I’ve contacted Jeff Weissman on several occasions. He responds via email asking that we set up a call, and when I respond with days and times, I never hear back. I’m sure he and their organization are busy. My hope is whether I can get involved personally or not, that they turn the tide on PHP abuses and the public’s knowledge into their harmful actions.


  6. Dr. Greer, good to see you on my good friend Michael’s site. I have seen you on some other forums recently. I am one of the Executive Co-Directors at Healthcare Alliance for Regulatory Board Reform (HARBR). Just Google HARBR-USA. We consider ourselves part of a larger collective fighting a common fight. Check us out. You might find us helpful or at least useful.

    Liked by 1 person

      • I am SO sorry to hear that. Feel free to contact me personally. Is there anything that any of us can do to be helpful. You know, I used to be able to go to a state board site and find out what a person’s BOARD is claiming they did and though I know that it would not contain the true story, it would at least give me some ballpark info. Many of the various board reports I’ve been seeing lately can’t even be called twisted because so much is just flat out fabrication. At the same time though, board errors are becoming glaringly obvious – so much so that any person who is even minimally savvy at law could go in there and sue them without even knowing ANY context! You got personal moral support? You at a place where you can sustain yourself mentally and emotionally? I do notice that your note above is dated today. As, I said, I am available to talk if you need. Contact me by email and I’ll give you my phone number.


  7. I spoke with Dr. Weisman today. I am impressed, excited, and feeling encouraged. I will consult with him further about what to post and not to post regarding his services and our plan.


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