Letters From Those Abused and Afraid

Letters From Those Abused and Afraid.

I’m hearing from more and more doctors via my survey, emails and phone calls.  At this point the patterns are becoming crystal clear and they involve the same “physician wellness” actors, the same “PHP-approved” assessment and treatment facilities and the same commercial “forensic” drug testing labs.

It is all the same M.O.  A false accusations  is made followed by misrepresentation of laboratory developed tests (LDTs) or outright forensic fraud.    A referral is then made for an “evaluation” at one of the “PHP-approved” facilities where an “assessment” is “tailored” to fit a pre-determined diagnosis.  The PHP then says do anything and everything we say or we will “end you.”  And all too often that is exactly what they do.   It is Political Abuse of Psychiatry plain and simple.   It does not get any more egregious than this folks.

The Doctors dying from this system of institutional injustice are not dying by suicide.  This is more akin to murder and the murderers have removed themselves from all aspects of accountability including answerability, justification for actions and the ability to be punished by third party actors truly outside the system. It is a rigged game.

the-world-is-a-dangerous-place-to-live-not-because-of-the-people-who-are-evil-but-because-of-the-people-who-don_t-do-anything-about-itThe sociopaths responsible for ordering false assessments and falsified drug and alcohol testing as well as those complying with it in the drug and alcohol testing, assessment and treatment industry need to be held accountable.

Those ordering the falsified tests and assessments are essentially putting guns to the heads of doctors.  The labs and rehab centers complicit in this fraud are pulling the trigger.  Simple as that.

You can see some of these letters here:  Letters From Those Abused and Afraid.

5 thoughts on “Letters From Those Abused and Afraid

  1. Coerced into suicide by a well person facing an insane situation which includes the loss of his or her license, which is too often perceived, maybe, as loss of personhood, including shame and disgrace. It is the equivalent of burning at the stake…and our government and society is standing by and letting this happen. I want to gather and protest openly in front of med societies, especially those who have killed doctors—oh, that is ALL OF THEM! let me know, I will show up. Gail

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