Doctor Suicide and Physician Health Programs

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The Elephant in the Room

[By Michael Lawrence Langan MD]



The Elephant in the Room: Physician Suicide and Physician Health Programs



[Courtesy SplitShire]



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4 thoughts on “Doctor Suicide and Physician Health Programs

  1. Hi Michael;your take on this subject is appreciated. I have just read the memoir by Luke Longstreet Sullivan about the life of his Mayo clinic surgeon father Charles Sullivan. His father,an alcoholic who committed suicide after the treatment of the times at the Institute of Living,Hartford 1966′ He is a devotee and proponent of AA and postulates that his father would have successfully(traditional PHS type)survived with today’s treatment. Scary unrealistic reading. Beth

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll check it out – the ASAM is going to get “addiction medicine” approved as a specialty by ABMS by 2016 and infest the healthcare system with a legion of expert who will join all the committees and boards to infect the system with this ideology and the PHP blueprint will be imposed on the populace at large. The “new paradigm” as outlined in the ASAM White Paper will be realized and create a bonanza for all those fattening and battening from the profits while the medical profession returns to a state not seen since the Middle Ages purged of all the free-thinkers, non-conformists, overly empathetic, and any rebels who dare question blind authority. The long-term biomarkers testing hair and nails will prevent any young person who has dabbled or experimented in illicit substances from ever even entering the profession then subordinated to the guiding philosophy of a dictatorship that proclaims “don’t analyze” and professes that you can’t be too stupid to understand it but you can very well be too smart. The model of Physician Health Programs is evolving to Professional Health Programs and will eventually mutate into Patient Health Programs. More sheep for the slaughter. A false construct built on false premises that could easily be directly refuted when they originate. Instead they are used as stepping stones to support false ideas and build a scaffold that will be difficult to disassemble. Just don’t say I didn’t warn ya.


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